Whether purchasing factory-finished products or engaging in a do-it-yourself project; be knowledgeable. Ask questions. Read labels. The key words are "volatile organic compounds," commonly referred to as VOCs, usually listed in grams per liter. Lower VOC content products are more environmentally friendly and pose lower health risks. According to EPA standards, to qualify as a zero-VOC finish, VOC content cannot exceed 5 grams per liter, and low-VOC finishes cannot contain more than 200 grams per liter.
Consumers interested in finding the healthiest and most environmentally friendly products, should be aware of VOC content. While paints, stains and other coatings can be emitters of VOCs, they are not alone. VOCs are emitted from many other products found in the home including carpeting, electronics, cosmetics, plastics, cleaning supplies, tobacco products and more.